Your trusted partner for reliable heavy shipments!

Zafar and Mazhar Transport LLC UK

Zafar & Mazhar Transport LLC offers reliable, efficient transport solutions across the UK, with a fleet and expertise to handle all shipment needs.

How can we help you?

Reliable transport solutions are available for all your UK logistics needs.

Refrigerator Trucks

Temperature-controlled transportation with our refrigerator trucks.

Raw Material Transportation

Efficient transportation of raw materials for your business.

Vehicles Recovery

Swift and dependable vehicle recovery solutions.


Rentals for heavy and light machinery and equipment.


New and Used Furniture Removal

Expert removal of new and used furniture.


Heavy and light Machinery & Equipment Rentals

Rentals for heavy and light machinery and equipment.



Our team’s diverse portfolio of expertise.

Ready to start a project with us?

Explore our range of transport, logistics, and equipment solutions.